I thought THE FIGHT was AWESOME! It was creatively collaborated and came together nicely! I was impressed with how well it came together since we only had a select time to brainstorm ideas and prepare it. It was so funny, too! What a great way to see the benefits of a collaborative project. 

As far as technology goes, I used the internet to look up the rules of boxing. I don't know a thing about it other than it's just two people fighting to earn a championship title. So, the internet was helpful. 

The one thing that was difficult was the improvisation. I didn't know what to do, really.One way to improve the fight would be to do a practice round. But I did like the concept of not knowing where it was going. It still could have been revised though. 

Overall, great match and great lesson!  

The rules are explained..
1. The instructions are given to both boxers:
            *No hitting below the belt, holding, tripping, pushing, biting, or spitting.
2. When a fighter is down, it will be deteremined whether or not the fight will proceed depending upon how badly the boxer down is.
3. Determines rough fouls- warnings, and wether or not points will be taken away.
4. When wound is over, a signal will be given
5. Determines when match will be over and when to stop the fight.